Welcome to J.K. Memorials Dove

Please ensure you have fully read and understood the Terms & Conditions

  1. A quotation from J.K. Memorials is an invitation of an order subject to these terms & conditions.  
  2. Quotations are based on the current costs of production and are subject to an amendment by J.K. Memorials on or at any time after acceptance to meet any rise or fall in such costs.
  3. A confirmation of order from J.K. Memorials will be sent and only on receipt of a signed copy of these by J.K. Memorials will the order be formally accepted.
  4. Additionally work will not commence on a memorial until 50% of the quoted price has been received.
  5. Should a memorial be paid for in full prior to work commencing this does not entitle the customer to prioritisation.
  6. Should the customer cancel their order it must be done so in terms of writing to J.K. memorials and a refund minus expenses to date will be issued. An itemised invoice of expenses will be sent to the customer.
  7. Estimates are based on copy originally submitted. Alterations in composition or layout are subject to an additional charge.
  8. Proof of all work will be submitted for customer’s approval and no responsibility can be accepted for any errors in proofs marked “OK” or “OK” with marked corrections and signed by the person responsible for passing the work.  No responsibility can be assumed for telephoned alterations.
  9. Delivery or performance dates or periods are only best estimates and J.K. Memorials is not liable for the consequences of any delay.
  10. Delivery of work shall be accepted when tendered and thereupon or on notification that the work has been completed the ownership shall pass and under these terms payment becomes due.
  11. Should work be suspended at the request of or delayed through any default of the customer, including cancellation of an order J.K. Memorials shall be entitled to payment for work already carried out and materials specially ordered.
  12. Cancellations of orders are required to be made in writing.
  13. Any query by the Customer on an invoice must be made in writing within 30 days of the invoice date.
  14. In the event of default in payment, interest will be charged on all sums overdue at the rate of 4% above bank rate, calculated from day to day, to run both before and after judgement. Further, in default of payment in respect of this or any other order, J.K. Memorials reserves the right to suspend delivery or terminate the contract in respect of any other delivered work.
  15. All work completed by J.K Memorials remains the property of J.K Memorials until full payment has been made.
  16. J.K. Memorials shall not be liable for indirect loss or third party claims occasioned by delay in completing the work or for any loss to the customer arising from delay in transit.

Welcome to J.K. Memorials Dove